Bands, Bloodys & Other Area Bullshit
Julie Johnston and Ramona Redig
This summer at Red Horse Gallery, in Fountain City, Julie Johnston and Ramona Redig converse during the opening reception for Julie’s and Gary Flynn’s art exhibit called, “Earthly Visions.” photo by Jade Fang
Jena Wood
Jena Wood holds up a trophy she made for the winner of a chainsaw bicycle race. Her talents for making things transfer to her place of work, DIBS Cafe, where she slings burritos and espresso drinks that also make people feel like winners. photo by Jim Risser
Noisy Style at the Dirty River Queercore Invasion at Latsch Island.
Todd Randall
Todd Randall, co-founder of Sanborn Canoe Company, glides down the Mississippi River with one of his company’s handmade paddles. photo by Peter Boysen
Sitting around at DTAP
Alex Stevens, Julie Johnston, and Billy Curmano having a friendly little chat outside Jade Community Acupuncture Clinic during Down Town Art Party aka DTAP. Down Town Art Party is a celebration of art and music in downtown Winona presented by local artists in various downtown locales, on the first Tuesday of every month. photo by…
Luke Reed
Luke Reed grabs some air outside of the East Recreation Center Skate Park. photo by Randal Kline
Aaron Rykus outside Broken World Records
Aaron Rykus hanging outside Broken World Records. Aaron is a local barista at DIBS Cafe, always in at least two local punk bands, and was one of the last remaining tenants of the now condemned Canswer House. The Canswer House hosted a slew of rowdy basement shows throughout the years and was loved by many…
How I Came to Tolerate Modern Art
I feel like with a lot of modern art we ask the same question we ask children when they run to us waving their latest masterpiece. “That’s lovely. But, dear, what is it?” I felt exhausted looking at pieces of work 5 year olds could do that we tagged with prices that could significantly reduce…
Downtown Businesses Get Boost from Earth Day Event at Levee Park, Renews Enthusiasm for Revitalization
Sunny skies graced throngs of both tourists and locals taking in the activities at the Winona Park & Rec Dept.’s lively Earth Day Celebration at Levee Park this past Saturday. With an estimated 1,200 in attendance over the course of the afternoon, the sunshine and action also extended to nearby businesses. Mister Groovys, Dibs Cafe,…